
The Single Window contributes to improving competitiveness in Mexico’s foreign trade, according to the Tax Administration Service (SAT)

comercio exterior de México

To simplify foreign trade operations in Mexico, the Tax Administration Service (SAT) announced that through the Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCEM), it is possible to carry out 276 procedures managed by 10 government institutions.

The federal agency noted that this tool allows for the digital execution of procedures related to imports, exports, and goods transit in a single location. This facilitates compliance with national Non-Tariff Regulations and Restrictions (RRNAs) and international foreign trade commitments.

Through this Single Window, foreign trade operations are simplified, providing certainty to operators, competent authorities, and the general public, thereby improving the country’s competitiveness,” explained the tax authority.

He highlighted that there are currently 173,000 registered users, including customs agents, attorneys-in-fact, representatives, companies, transporters, and government officials.

This tool offers a solution that allows users to electronically submit information once through a web page to carry out the procedures related to the different non-tariff regulations and restrictions on foreign trade issued by 10 government agencies.

La VUCEM es un modelo a nivel mundial en términos tecnológicos y su implementación sirve como ejemplo para países que desean adoptar un sistema de trámites electrónicos.

Añadió que para proporcionar una atención adecuada, el SAT asigna personal de tiempo completo y mantiene una estrecha comunicación con otras dependencias y sus órganos desconcentrados, para satisfacer sus necesidades y cumplir con las expectativas de los usuarios.

Según las estadísticas de comercio exterior, desde su creación hasta la fecha, la VUCEM cuenta con 266,418,944 documentos digitalizados y 184,662 usuarios registrados.

Además, se han registrado 18,330,861 solicitudes y se han concluido 16,905,446 trámites.

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